Breath, 숨

Breath, 숨,  2020                [Link]

Live weather & air quality index data visualization.
Continuous run.

A real-time live simulation virtual environment driven by site specific weather and air quality index data.

 In real time, it dynamically reacts to the Air Quality Index (AQI) data of the local area, creating a virtual forest that mirrors the state of the ‘real’ environment in terms of weather patterns and air quality. As the AQI fluctuates, the virtual forest undergoes corresponding changes, vividly illustrating the impact of air pollution on our natural world. When pollution levels surpass normal thresholds, the virtual forest reflects this alarming reality with visual cues such as black fumes and fires. 

Against the backdrop of the significant events of 2020, from the global pandemic to protests advocating for social justice, the concept of “breath” has taken on a new significance. As COVID-19, a respiratory disease, spread worldwide and air pollution continues to worsen, the rallying cry of the Black Lives Matter movement, “I can’t breathe,” resonates deeply. In this context, BREATH serves as a poignant exploration of the interplay between our physical and virtual environments, urging us to reflect on our current existence and the collective vision we must strive towards as a society.

In a time of rapid change and uncertainty, taking a deep breath and contemplating our impact on the environment becomes more crucial than ever. BREATH encapsulates the urgency of addressing issues of air pollution and environmental degradation while fostering a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with the world around us. Through its real-time simulation and fusion of the virtual and the actual, BREATH invites viewers to pause, reflect, and envision a more sustainable future for our planet.